World Invocation Day @ Goudreault Farm - Join US!

Medicine Wheel @ Goudreault Farm
82 Newton Road (Rte. 108) Plaistow, NH 03865

World Invocation Day:
Thursday May 27 6-7PM
Group Healing Meditation
Rain Date: May 26 or 28 pending weather, you will be contacted

World Invocation Day is observed on the full moon every May as a global day of spiritual healing by the United Nations and countless spiritual organizations, governmental and non-governmental community based
groups all dedicated to helping humanity, establishing goodwill, and bringing about right human relations.

Please join us in furthering the efforts of World Invocation Day.
Arrive 6-6:15PM (82 Newton Road, Plaistow. NH 03865)

Dedication of Purpose & Walk the Wheel 6:15 to 6:30 as warm-up

Guided Group Healing Meditation 6:30-7:00PM

Tea and Discussion 7:00-7:30PM

*Pre-registration required by either signing up at the Greenhouses or calling 603.382.8298 (Please leave Name and primary phone number)
*Free Admission, $10 donation suggested.
*No previous meditation experience necessary, only an honest desire to serve humanity. Physically the meditation requires participants to sit without leaving the circle for 21-30 minutes, depending on the group. I recommend you wear loose comfortable clothing, bring a yoga mat, cushion or two if unaccustomed to sitting, and a shawl, scarf, or bandana as head covering.

May you be blessed with strength, love, wisdom, and a sense of oneness with all.

Devatma/Deborah Goudreault, Certified Kundalini Yoga and
Meditation Teacher
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